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Four reasons why motivational speakers are killing your dreams (Number 4 is really sad!)

  • We’ll expose the business model that disempowers you

  • We’ll show you why most people do not achieve success as the speakers promise

  • And we will drop some truth bombs on the real path to thriving


If you are looking to get your life into thriving mode, and you are prepared to face the hard facts on how to get there, this mini course is a great place to start.


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Holding Hands Up High

This mini course is taught by Willie Maritz, the founder of The Excellence Challenge. It is in video format and the total duration is about 15 minutes. On its own, this course is enough to make you stop and think about your life and your beliefs about success and wealth. It will help you objectively evaluate the role motivational speakers, self-help books, and personal development courses have had in your life. And most importantly, it will get you started on a truly sustainable path moving your life into THRIVING mode!


Why are we giving this away for free?

We are building a community (a movement) of people who are tired of false claims and prophets who promise unrealistic paths to success. The fact that you are reading this probably means that you are tired too. So this is an invitation to join this community and gift yourself with a brighter future.

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